Saif Al-Yasi
Welcome to all, hope you all enjoy and get to learn few things out of these podcasts. Its all about a healthy life style living, in terms of how, when and what eat. What kind of workouts you should be doing and for how many sets and so much more. مرحبا بكم جميعا، اتمنى انه تستفيدوا من المعلومات الصحيه والرياضيه التي تخص التغذيه و التمارين و كذلك العديد من الاستضافات التي تتمحور حول المواضيع الصحيه مع اطباء و مختصين في مجال الصحه. و هنالك العديد من اللقاءات مع من استفادوا من خبرتنا في المجال.
Podcasting since 2024 • 7 episodes
Saif Al-Yasi
Latest Episodes
"CrossFit Chronicles: Exploring the Fitness Frontier with Coaches Saif Alyasi and Mohamed Elomda"
Welcome to "CrossFit Chronicles," the ultimate podcast dedicated to unraveling the enigma that is CrossFit. Join esteemed coaches Saif Alyasi and Mohamed Elomda as they embark on a journey deep into the heart of CrossFit, exploring its virtues,...

EmpowerHer: Unveiling Women's Strength Inside and Outside the Gym with the guest coach Yasmin
In the vibrant world of fitness, there exists a podcast that illuminates the strength, resilience, and empowerment of women both within the confines of the gym and in the vast expanse of their everyday lives. "EmpowerHer" is not just a podcast;...

"Lift Beyond: Unveiling the Transformative Power of Deadlifts for Men and Women"
Welcome to "Lift Beyond," the ultimate podcast dedicated to exploring the transformative power of the deadlift exercise for both men and women. Hosted by renowned fitness enthusiast and coach Saif Alyasi, alongside the esteemed guest coach Ivan...

The power of Carnivore diet: A Deep Dive with Dr. Shawn Baker
Dive into the world of Carnivore Diet with an eye-opening conversation between Saif Alyasi and the renowned Dr. Shawn Baker! 🥩In this electrifying podcast episode, Saif Alyasi, a passionate advocate for the Carnivore Diet in the Middle ...