Saif Al-Yasi
Welcome to all, hope you all enjoy and get to learn few things out of these podcasts. Its all about a healthy life style living, in terms of how, when and what eat. What kind of workouts you should be doing and for how many sets and so much more. مرحبا بكم جميعا، اتمنى انه تستفيدوا من المعلومات الصحيه والرياضيه التي تخص التغذيه و التمارين و كذلك العديد من الاستضافات التي تتمحور حول المواضيع الصحيه مع اطباء و مختصين في مجال الصحه. و هنالك العديد من اللقاءات مع من استفادوا من خبرتنا في المجال.
Saif Al-Yasi
Strength in Pink: Navigating breast cancer with coach Saif Al-Yasi and Dr. Houria Kazan
Dr Houriya Kazim (FRCSI) is Medical Director and Specialist Breast Surgeon, Well Woman Clinic, UAE.
Dr Kazim is a UAE national and the country's first female surgeon. She attended medical school at RCSI, obtained her Fellowship in General Surgery then sub-specialised in surgical oncology and, in particular, breast surgery and reconstruction at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London and the MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston, Texas.
Welcome to "Strength in Pink," a compassionate and informative podcast dedicated to empowering individuals affected by breast cancer. Join host Coach Saif Al-Yasi and esteemed guest, Dr. Houria Kazem, as they shine a light on the journey through diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.
In each episode, Coach Saif and Dr. Houria Kazem provide listeners with invaluable insights into the complexities of breast cancer. With a focus on education, support, and empowerment, they tackle topics ranging from early detection and treatment options to managing side effects and maintaining overall well-being.
As a renowned oncologist specializing in breast cancer, Dr. Houria Kazem brings a wealth of expertise and compassion to the podcast. Through her guidance and expertise, listeners gain a deeper understanding of the disease and the importance of early detection, proactive treatment, and ongoing support.
But "Strength in Pink" is more than just a resource for medical information; it's a beacon of hope and support for individuals and families affected by breast cancer. With Coach Saif's unwavering support and Dr. Houria Kazem's expert guidance, listeners are empowered to navigate the challenges of diagnosis and treatment with strength, resilience, and optimism.
Join us as we embark on a journey of healing, empowerment, and resilience. Whether you're a breast cancer survivor, caregiver, or advocate, "Strength in Pink" offers a supportive community and a wealth of resources to help you thrive beyond diagnosis.
So grab your headphones and join us on this transformative journey through breast cancer. With Coach Saif Al-Yasi and Dr. Houria Kazem by your side, you'll find strength, support, and inspiration every step of the way.