Saif Al-Yasi
Welcome to all, hope you all enjoy and get to learn few things out of these podcasts. Its all about a healthy life style living, in terms of how, when and what eat. What kind of workouts you should be doing and for how many sets and so much more. مرحبا بكم جميعا، اتمنى انه تستفيدوا من المعلومات الصحيه والرياضيه التي تخص التغذيه و التمارين و كذلك العديد من الاستضافات التي تتمحور حول المواضيع الصحيه مع اطباء و مختصين في مجال الصحه. و هنالك العديد من اللقاءات مع من استفادوا من خبرتنا في المجال.
Saif Al-Yasi
The power of Carnivore diet: A Deep Dive with Dr. Shawn Baker
Dive into the world of Carnivore Diet with an eye-opening conversation between Saif Alyasi and the renowned Dr. Shawn Baker! 🥩
In this electrifying podcast episode, Saif Alyasi, a passionate advocate for the Carnivore Diet in the Middle East, engages in a riveting discussion with Dr. Shawn Baker, a pioneer in the field of nutrition and performance. 🌟
🔬 Delve deep into the science behind the Carnivore Diet as they tackle topics like cholesterol, gout, endurance training, supplements, protein powder, and even the nuances of fasting during Ramadan. 💡
💪 Gain valuable insights into optimizing health, performance, and longevity through the Carnivore lifestyle, backed by science and real-world experience. 🏋️♂️
🌍 Hailing from Iraq but residing in Dubai for the past two decades, Saif Alyasi brings a unique perspective on spreading awareness and advocating for the Carnivore Diet in the culturally diverse Middle Eastern region. 🌟